
  • barcode scanner: Tera / Zebra ($ depends on model)
    • alternative: LS2208 (sold under multiple brands)
  • infrared thermometer: Klein IR10 ($104)
  • thermal camera: Topton TC001 Plus ($329 $299) / Infiray P2 Pro ($349 $299)
    • alternative: HKMicro ($ depends on model) / Klein TI250 ($299)
  • anemometer: Testo ($ depends on model)
  • decibel meter: Tadeto SL720 ($39 $29)
  • torque meter: AC Delco ($67)
  • tachometer: Uni-T UT373 ($26)
  • multimeter: Uni-T UT61E+ ($95)
  • clamp meter: Uni-T UT210E ($59) or UT204+ ($46)
  • geiger counter
    • under $100: GQ GMC-320S ($73)
    • over $300: GQ GMC-600+ ($358) / Radiacode 102 ($265) or 103 ($345 $315)

The GMC-600+ can detect alpha + beta + gamma, whereas the Radiacode 102 and 103 can only detect gamma