

  • mask: RZ mask ($39)
  • full-face respirator: 3M (~$100-250 depending on model)
  • safety goggles: DeWalt DPG82 ($12)
  • laser safety eyewear: Laservision ( / Cloudray


  • cut-resistant gloves: NoCry ($13)
  • nitrile gloves
    • standard: Venom Steel ($27 $22 for 100 pack)
    • fine motor skills: Grease Monkey ($27 for 100 pack)

Do NOT wear gloves when using power tools!


  • ear muffs: 3M ($ depends on model)
  • headphones: 3M Worktunes Connect ($ depends on model)


  • self-healing cutting mat: Olfa ($70 for 24” x 36”, $38 for 18” x 24”) / Fiskars ($44 for 24” x 36”, $32 for 18” x 24”)
  • magnetic project mat: iFixit ($19)

Table Saw

  • push sticks: comes with SawStop table saw
  • push blocks: Microjig GRR-Ripper ($49)
  • table saw blade cleaner: MicroJig Bladeclean ($14)


  • welding helmet: Lincoln Electric Viking 3350 ($528 $309)
  • welding jacket: Lincoln Electric ($55)
  • welding pants: Wrangler Riggs FR carpenter jeans ($85 $71)
  • welding gloves
    • for MIG welding (split cowhide leather): Lincoln Electric Traditional ($21)
    • for TIG welding (goatskin): Lincoln Electric Grain Leather ($26)
  • fibreglass welding blanket: any

The Yeswelder welder mask ($68) is cheaper, but is not as durable as the Lincoln Electric

The Dickies carpenter jeans ($39) are a good cheaper option for welding pants, but are NOT flame resistant!


  • spray booth: Master Airbrush ($119)