Skip to main content Welders
- MIG: Yeswelder MIG-205DS ($479)
- TIG: Titanium (Harbor Freight, ~$320)
- upgrade multi-process: Lincoln Electric K4876-1 ($2099)
- angle grinders
- corded
- under $100: Ridgid R1006 ($68)
- around $150: Makita 9564CV ($157)
- cordless: Milwaukee M18 Fuel
- bench grinder
- standard: Shop Fox
- upgrade: JET industrial
- metal polish
- all-arounder: Autosol (cheap and great at everything)
- standard: California Custom Purple / CarPro Metallicut
- Metallicut has a very strong solvent smell
- better finish: Mothers Mag & Aluminium (almost as good as Mercury)
- best finish: Auto Finesse Mercury (expensive, only for finishing)
- aggressive: Quick-Glo original (best for removing oxidation and surface rust)